Thursday, July 30, 2020

Do You Have Include Punctuation When Writing a Blurb on Your Resume?

Do You Have Include Punctuation When Writing a Blurb on Your Resume?The one thing most hiring managers ask during the job interview process is: Do you have to include punctuation when writing a blurb on your resume? Because everyone wants to look for something the person having the interview can talk about to their prospective employer. No matter what the job title, the general public would like to learn more about what it is that an individual does for a living.For years, job openings and hiring have become much easier and much more simple because of the Internet. There are many jobs available and most of them have to be filled within hours or days. It is crucial that the people who are submitting information to employers are doing so professionally, in a manner that appeals to the people looking at the resumes and for a manner that will make a prospective employer want to hear the candidate's personal story.A job applicant can either decide to have the person who is interviewing hi m or her write the blurb. Or the applicant can choose to do it himself or herself. With the cost of job search tools available on the Internet, many people are realizing that they can save a lot of money if they hire a ghostwriter to write the blurb for them instead of having someone else do it.First and foremost, the job seekers should take the time to practice the job description they are seeking to fill. They can then edit the sample blurb that is available on the Internet to make sure it is just as it should be, or to add their own personal touch. They can also find a free sample blurb on the Internet or print one off and add it to their own resume.Another way to help the employer is to write an introduction to the potential hire. This could include a bio or personal statement. If the person applying has already written the blurb, he or she may be able to send it to the employer and he or she can simply include his or her resume and contact information after the blurb.A final wa y that the job seeker can help the prospective employer is to include a letterhead. It is always good to have a professional letterhead. You may want to provide the employers with a sample on the Internet and let them know what the letter looks like.What exactly does it mean to include punctuation when writing a blurb on your resume? First of all, you should not use all capitals or lowercase letters throughout the resume. Instead, always use all caps.You can always find templates on the Internet that let you add a header, a summary, a resume, a cover letter, a classified ad, and a signature with different font size and color. Make sure to use similar colors throughout your cover letter, resume, and classified ad. This will help the employer to focus on your qualifications and not the colors used.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

7 HR Competencies For the Modern HR Professional - Workology

7 HR Competencies For the Modern HR Professional - Workology Seven HR Competencies Essential for the Modern Human Resources Professional This article is part of a series discussing the different  competencies  needed to be successful within the human resources profession. Click here to read part 1 where I discuss recruiting competencies and look for a future article on leadership competencies for the human resources industry.   What Does a Competency Model Mean in Human Resources? A competency model is a collection of competencies considered essential to an organization and a particular function which in this case is job groups and types within human resources. Individual competencies are usually defined and supported by key behaviors. Competency models can apply to all employees and professionals, while other models may apply to specific occupations or positions. Competencies and their models provide a map for professionals. Its important to remember that not every competency in the occupation-specific model may be relevant to an individual’s position and career. An Example of an HR Competency Model When the Society of Human Resource Management launched their SHRM HR certification, they included a list of competencies not just for the HR leader but for all business leaders within your and my organization. Their list of competencies included four HR specific competencies which are 1) people, 2) Organization, 3) Workplace and 4) Strategy. Personally, I am a fan of SHRM competencies and like the fact that they include both behavioral and technical competencies. You can read more about them by clicking here. I imagine some very smart consultants and SHRM employees tirelessly researching and debating for 12 months or more before launching these to the members of the SHRM community. Seven HR Competencies Essential for the Modern Human Resources Professional For my list of competencies for the modern HR professional, Im taking a less scientific or consultative approach and looking inward when I discuss the 7 competencies essential for future professionals in human resources. Role Model.  HR professionals have to set the standard when it comes to leadership, ethics and business practices. Because of this, our profession can be a lonely one especially in an office where we are a sole practitioner. We must set the bar when it comes to ethical behaviors and creating an inclusive and welcoming workplace culture and environment. HR Subject Matter Expert.  Depending on our role within human resources, we are often cast as the expert on employment law, human resources and compliance topics. We are often the objective voice of reason in advising employee terminations, documentation and other employee relations workplace scenarios. While I am supportive of foundational knowledge of human resources and employment law, experience is the best teacher here. Collaborator.  Since our role in human resources often involves engaging and working together across the business and with many different individuals from all backgrounds and positions within our organization, we have to be master collaborators and project managers in order to transform our business. This is a challenge since in most work teams and scenarios, we are a peer or a subordinate and must collaborate to help our team members or individuals come to the conclusions that we have sometimes known all along to effectively drive change. Business Acumen.  No matter what your role is within human resources, as modern HR professionals, we must seek to know and understand the business. Not only does it help us in communicating the value and benefit of human resources but we can truly be business partners if we understand the business. When it comes to gaining knowledge in the areas of business acumen, it might mean taking business classes and getting your MBA. It also might mean working with your CFO or COO to understand the financial statements. It also could be spending time really understand your business by immersing yourself in every single business and leadership meeting. Communication.    Communication is essential especially offline and online activities including social media, email and in person communication. It’s more than presenting powerpoint slides. It’s more than customer service. It’s about managing it all and doing so quickly, efficiently and effectively because we know the market. Its about navigating and handling some very tricky situations, employee investigations and coaching discussions sometimes with our boss. We can always be better at communication especially when now we are expected to speak emoji and texting shorthand. Human Sponge.  As the role of human resources grows in importance in our businesses, we must absorb knowledge beyond basic business practices and strategies and be commitment to presenting new ideas from areas, subjects and departments that are outside of our comfort zone. The new modern HR professional will be well-versed in many topics, flexible and open to new learnings and ways of doing things. At present, HR should be looking forward towards technology, analytics and artificial intelligence. Vision.  Most importantly, the modern HR professional must have the vision to see, influence and evaluate the world differently. Our leaders might not realize it yet but HR has a pivotal role as our central focus is our employees, their skills and abilities. We need to have the vision to not only see and understand that these changes are and will be happening but must have the ability to speak confidently but also with care in order to truly influence and drive change. What competencies do you think are the most important in human resources? Selecting seven was a challenge as our roles within organizations continue to change, evolve and grow. Notice how these competencies in human resources contrast with our recruiter counterparts.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What You Should Do About Resume Opening Statements Starting in the Next Eight Minutes

What You Should Do About Resume Opening Statements Starting in the Next Eight Minutes Using Resume Opening Statements Moreover, opening proclamation empowers an essayist to make a connection to the peruser. The initial proclamation establishes the pace for the rest of the article. It isn't the suitable spot to contend rather, it is a spot to introduce the realities. It ought to be brief and general as opposed to long and point by point. Having a superior understanding of the system and applying the fitting technique for opening any case is basic, for no novice could ever wish to obtain humiliated before everybody. There are four major components to a complete opening contention. From various perspectives, a goal replaces a great deal of the detail you would put as far as you can tell segment. In this way, it's savvy to abstain from composing your expert goal. Target Statement Articulating a goal can persuade bosses that you comprehend what you might want to do and are familiar with the territory. Moreover, it contains a clear table for arranging custom targets and destinations. A goal is a concise articulation that explains your objectives concerning the type of business wanted and the manner by which your aptitudes make you a decent fit. Profession objective is the underlying component of resume composing. As referenced before, in the occasion the work candidate has different goals, at that point they're probably going to need a few renditions. At last, cause sure to form another announcement for each activity you to apply for, so the business sees what makes you an amazing fit for that specific occupation. Parse the work portrayal for the specific capabilities the business looks for. Bosses might want to recognize what you could accomplish for them and how you'll be in a situation to do it. Regardless of whether a target articulation is utilized, 1 thing to endure as a top priority is to state it as for bit of leeway to the business. A solid resume target will feature your special characteristics that help the business arrive at its goal. In most of examples, a resume objective is simply two or three sentences in length. The issue with target explanations is they center around what you need rather than how you can fulfill the prerequisites of the business. My philosophy in regards to resumes has ever been, you might want to make it as straightforward as workable for the business to see at a second's look which you're ideal for the activity. You may frequently apply your contribution explanation past your resume and portfolio. The estimation of a resume statement of purpose is in the reality it features the crucial the premise of the resume. As opposed to expressing what you might want, make the past sentence of the profile articulation about your inclination to add to the business. Organizations are set up to pay as much as possible to utilize someone who can convey achievement. Resume goals can be fairly dubious. It is desirable over focus on exactly what the business is searching for. Bosses don't have to sit around idly perusing loads of trivial prattle. The Unexpected Truth About Resume Opening Statements The objective of a marking proclamation is to settle on an up-and-comer other than the opposition while additionally effectively situating themselves to accomplish their own one of a kind particular pursuit of employment goals. Incorporate the business name in the reason explanation to exhibit that you are resolved to working there. Quest for ongoing news about the business you're applying for and tie it in the work opening. The previously mentioned opening allowes the scout to quickly recognize where you're coming from, that you've had industry experience (something that may be in the determination measures) and center transferable aptitudes. Recollect that the distinctions classification is saved for the exercises which you were picked to participate in through some type of determination method. Composing profession objective is an ordinary practice in the master business. At whatever point you wish to underline that you're yearning, that you comprehend what you need in a vocation, or you have the right stuff for the specific occupation, you could profit by a resume objective. On the other side, the second the work candidate has solid experience, there isn't any need to confide in the scholastic preparing any more and it doesn't have to get referenced. So what are the major prerequisites or necessities and approaches to get it down. At the point when you decide the aptitudes you have to focus on, do some examination and see whether they line up with work prerequisites recorded for the positions you're chasing. At the point when you're making your resume objective, you should focus on specific capacities and encounters which are straightforwardly connected with the activity.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Renew a Connection by Writing a LinkedIn Recommendation

Renew a Connection by Writing a LinkedIn Recommendation ShareShare3TweetWant to stay top-of-mind with your connections? Networking and connections are the lifeblood of career management, but those connections go stale if you never get in contact or worse, if you only call when you need something! To nourish your connection with a former co-worker whose work you respect, give them a LinkedIn recommendation. You can give those quick-click endorsements, too, but recommendations are more valuable. Heres an explanation of the difference between endorsements and recommendations, and instructions for giving and receiving recommendations. Renew a Connection by Writing a LinkedIn Recommendation ShareShare3TweetWant to stay top-of-mind with your connections? Networking and connections are the lifeblood of career management, but those connections go stale if you never get in contact or worse, if you only call when you need something! To nourish your connection with a former co-worker whose work you respect, give them a LinkedIn recommendation. You can give those quick-click endorsements, too, but recommendations are more valuable. Heres an explanation of the difference between endorsements and recommendations, and instructions for giving and receiving recommendations.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Are you a Follower or a Leader

Are you a Follower or a Leader Over 800 million people have established profiles on Facebook and are actively engaged in networking. In Canada, that includes more than 50% of the population! In the past 3 months the largest growth in Facebook users was aged 45-54 followed by 55-64, 35-44, 25-34 and 65-0! In the past 6 months, Canadian Facebook users increased by 590, 960! Visit for further statistics. Do you have a Facebook account? Are you a follower or a leader? If you have access to the Internet, it is simply a matter of time before you will decide to follow the other 800 million people and join Facebook. There is no doubt that for many it is the natural resistance to change that could be holding them back so if the numbers are convincing enough, it should be noted that Facebook was launched almost 8 years ago! Another influential social media site is Twitter which was established in 2006 and currently has over 462 million users. An easy to use, real time resource, Twitter has become a favourite source for all who recognize its potential. The absolute minimum online presence for anyone managing a career or business is Linkedin. Currently with over 136 million users, Linkedin provides a professional site with the resources to display authentic references and a career history linked to companys and organizations. Networking with other professionals, following companies, job listings and the potential to connect with key decision makers around the world makes this the ultimate in job search tools. Social media is not a passing fad and the consistent growth of Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to name only a few, will ensure these social media sites continue to be key resources in the successful management of any career or business. No longer is there a choice to be the leader in joining these sites but by following those who did take the lead you are sure to discover the many benefits of online networking!